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How do I place an order that will be shipped out?We accept orders via this website, which can be done by viewing our shop, or by phone, at (405)-794-7556. *Please note that while we do accept orders via phone during the off-season months (November-February), we do so on a voicemail basis. We ask that you leave a detailed message, including your name, company, and telephone number, and we will return your call as soon as possible.
How do I place an order for pick-up?At check-out, simply select "Local Pick-Up" instead of inputting your shipping address. Additionally, pick-up orders may be placed by phone at (405) 794-7556. Most pick-up orders can be ready for same day pick-up, unless we specify differently. If a pick-up order needs to be prepared before a specific time, please let us know, as we are happy to try our best to accommodate any requests.
What forms of payments are accepted?We accept all major credit cards and PayPal via our website. For in-store purchases, we accept cash, major credit cards, checks, Apple Pay, and/or purchase orders.
How long does shipping normally take?We estimate shipping to take 3-5 business days once your order is complete. We either ship via USPS or FedEx, whichever is more efficient for your purchase. To view our full shipping policy, please visit:
What is your return policy?For information on our return policy, please visit:
What privacy policy do you have in place?For more information on our privacy policy, please visit:
Do you sell used ice shavers?Yes, we do sell gently used/repaired ice shavers. If you are interested in what used ice shavers we have available, please call us at (405) 794-7556.
Do you buy used machines/supplies?Yes, we do purchase used machines/supplies in person ONLY. Each product will be thoroughly inspected by a Bonnie's Snak Shak representative before agreeing to buy any used equipment. A signed agreement between the seller and the buyer (Bonnie's Snak Shak) must be in place at the date of the sell. *BEFORE BRINGING IN AN ITEM TO BE INSPECTED: Please call us at (405) 794-7556, to discuss the used equipment you are interesting in selling. We cannot guarentee that there is a staff member with the authorization to inspect/purchase used equipment on staff at all times. Calling us beforehand will ensure that we have someone avaliable to assist you when you arrive. More than likely it will be the Bonnie's Snak Shak business owner, Jeremy Norman.
Do you repair/service ice shavers?Yes, we are able to repair and/or service ice shavers at our physical location in Moore, OK. We keep several parts on-hand for quick repairs, so that your down-time is kept to a minimum. We recommend calling us prior to bringing your machine in so we can gather an idea of what could possibly be wrong/what part would possibly be needed to fix the machine. We can not be 100% sure what the problem is until we see it in person. Visit our Snoball Machine Parts shop page for a general idea of the pricing of the repair parts. We also are able to service ice shavers that need more in-depth repairs. Pricing on these services vary, as well as the time it takes to make the repairs. Please call us for more details and our servicing availability.
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